Inner Spirit Management



Feeling Overwhelmed?


I invite you to join me on a

Journey to Peace.

I’ve Created a new process of assisting individuals in this crazy

New Normal”, that we are all in.

 A 4-week process that will teach you the tools that can assist you in finding “Your” path to peace.

Because we are all individuals, we can’t be expected to all react the same way. Though that is just how people expect us too. Life as we knew it is gone. Business has changed, families have changed, pretty much every aspect of our lives is different than it was. Ready to move forward? Life is moving forward.

The world is changing are you ready?

Still have questions?

email Ann, That’s me! at

Limited time offer of 4 week private sessions $1197.

Details, private online 90 min coaching sessions 1X / week. 

Sign up to save your spot by emailing Ann at

title the email  “Light up my path” and receive 20% off 

Stress Management 

The longer I am on this journey the more I realize the role that stress plays in our lives. When we feel we have it under control something new happens to “test” our ability to control it. 

When life hands us a challenge some amazing things happen in our physical bodies.  As well as our energetic body, etheric body and soul.

Because we are energetic beings that energy has its peaks and dips. Just like the power running through your home, there are times when there is a high demand and like the middle of the night or day when less energy is needed a lower demand. What the energy company does to maintain a constant flow of energy is similar to what we need to do. There needs to be a storage of energy as well as transformers along the way to assist in controlling the “demand”.

Life is an ongoing classroom and how we accept the lessons determines our grade. That grade is seen in how we handle the lessons / challenges that life hands us. What has the stress of the event done to you. What have you done to manage the stress, what level of stress occurred? As we move through life and accept the challenges we can eliminate most of the physical, emotional and mental effects that stress causes and still learn the lessons. By accepting life as a place of learning and moving on, by taking our life lessons and helping others going through their lessons, we reduce the need to carry the stress.

Stress is an effect of our beliefs about a situation. Taking a step back to evaluate, educate and find different ways to fix, improve, modify, or sometimes just letting go and allow the universe to fix it. We reduce the energetic block, ie; stress. The energy then flows in the proper vibration.

Universal energy which is what we all are made up of moves through us best if we allow it to. When we put up blocks by trying to control a situation because of our beliefs, ego or need to control the result, is stress. That stress then creates disturbances in our bodies, and if left unchecked creates illness and disease.

So what do we do? That depends on many factors, what level of blocks you have, what illness and disease have formed. Where you are on your spiritual journey.  Some tools that have worked for me to balance my life, energy and spirit include Reiki, energy work, meditation, exercise, purposeful prayer, and a deep faith in the spiritual truths. I have developed processes and practices that assist in the balancing of energetic systems.

Managing stress is an ongoing daily practice. There is no magic cure where you wake up one day and the stress is gone from your body and all illnesses are gone. There are tools and practices that if you incorporate them into your life will assist you in getting and staying well in all areas of your life.

For more info contact me via email 

For more info on classes and private coaching session


Ann @ 

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