Doterra Essential oils

This page will give you the information I have collected over my time using Doterra oils and the stories of others I know. To go directly to the Doterra site click here
I first came to know oils when searching for alternative treatments for a family member. Prescription meds were not an option so I was trying to find ways to help. In the process I have become a daily user of oils for so many areas of my life.
I have incorporated them into my Reiki practice, use them for my own health and for creating a healthy calm home.
Why I use Doterra oils.
When I began using oils I was using other oils. These seemed fine but at the same time I did not know much about oils and how to use them. One day I had the experience of the AromaTouch Technique using the Doterra oils and all changed. The energy difference I experienced with these oils made me a believer in them.
Since then I have turned to essential oils for all my health needs first. I also use essential oils for my pets, my home and more.
Why Doterra?
You have Choices!
With Doterra you have Choices on how to receive your oils.
Retail just order directly from site,
Wholesale customer, for a membership fee, like Costco or BJ’s, you can purchase oils and our wonderful products at wholesale.
or sign up as a Wellness advocate. and earn more discounts on your own purchases and anyone that you share Doterra with.
The choice is your!
Learning your way around essential oils can be very confusing. Learn the basics first. The best way to learn about Doterra essential oils is from Doterra. Click on the Link above.
Doterra research team click here for official page
On other pages I have some recipes that I use for specific healing. These combinations work for me. You will find what works for you.