The Power of 6

As we all learn to navigate a new way of life. And I do believe when we come out on the other side of this world pandemic, all our lives will be changed. The lessons we take from this event will make us or break us. I personally am working diligently each day to find joy and peace. Not an easy task. I work also in the healthcare industry. The long-term care industry to be more specific. And to watch families and residents daily try to understand why they can’t see their husband, their wife, or children is heart breaking. Many of us have shed a tear or two watching them wave to their families through the windows. The stress of the staff having to deal with taking care of residents with little or no PPE. Supplies are non-existent.
I tell you this not for any sympathy but to tell you I am coming from experience and I feel your stress. This new tool I have discovered is not really new but more of a practiced and what I use each day to assist me in getting through.
The Power of 6” came to me through I believe Divine. And as we are all being asked to keep 6 feet from each other, I want to challenge you to join me in turning this into a positive. We know why we should be doing this, to assist in curbing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. But as we all stand 6 feet apart, I believe it is a tremendous opportunity to shine our light 6 feet and expand our Awareness and our Love 6 feet.
As you stand 6 feet from your co-worker, behind another customer at the grocery store, or wherever you are, practice filling that space with Light & Love. It is a small space but if we all do this, I truly believe we will eradicate this negative energy that is infecting our world. Love heals and we all can use that right now.
6 is also a very powerful number it tells us it is time to stop worrying or obsessing over money and material items. Worry lowers the effectiveness of our prayers as well as our immune system. Finding peace in any way you can is essential for your mental, emotional and physical health. As the Doctors and scientists figure out how to deal with this virus, As the leaders of the world’s countries work to calm their nations. We as individuals can do our part by finding ways to create a little more love, compassion, and hope for ourselves, families and loved ones.
Take 6 minutes to sit quietly and breathe, close your eyes and picture a bright beautiful light originating from your heart center, surrounding you and expanding out 6 feet, then maybe 12 feet. Imagine if we all did this everyday and each day expanding our light another 6 feet?
The Power of 6 will heal us and the world in so many ways, I truly believe that.
To learn more about using the Power of 6 feel free to contact Ann via the contact page. For more info on Reiki, IET or L.E.A.D click here.