Frequency of Joy?

Finding Your Joy Frequency When someone asks you about Finding your Joy, what do you think of? What is Joy to you? For me the path to joy has been a long road, and a destination I avoided for the past 5 years. Well before that my definition of joy would have been happiness, though I […]
Reiki and Surgery, Hysterectomy

Reiki & Surgery I have had the wonderful opportunity to find out how Reiki can benefit a person Post-op, as well as Pre-op. Now I have used Reiki many times to assit with the healing process with clients, this is the first time I have been in the Self Care situation. How Reiki helps with […]
Focus. Breathe & Enjoy

Focus, Breathe & Enjoy the Ride. When we begin a project or decide on a direction to take in our lives, a new career path, relationships, a move, etc. We can have this childlike enthusiasm that is wonderful in the moment, though bringing that feeling along while methodically planning each step takes a leap of […]
Learn to access the wisdom of your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guide Communication We all have guides, whether you access their wisdom or not is completely your choice. In these sessions you will learn Who are our Guides? The different types of Guides Are they with us our whole Life? How do they communicate with us? What can Spirit Guides do for you? As a […]
How to Create your own Business through Spirit

Managing a Spiritually based Business What does spiritually based business mean? Probably not what you think. It is not a religious business or have to be a holistic, alternative or mind body business. Spiritually based businesses are created when we allow the universe to aid and help us. By developing and maintaining our own inner […]
Souls Journey

Do you feel unfulfilled, disconnected from yourself & life? Confused about what’s next in your life, work, relationships? SOUL JOURNEY is an invitation to Tap into a deep source of knowing insideFind all the answers you need inside yourself Move confidently forward in both your life and work. To look inside ourselves and really see what it is […]
Why might you need a Medium?

Why See a Medium? When you hear the word Medium what pops into your mind? It can range from skepticism to awe. I have heard it all and have had my years of doubt also. My doubt would creep in sometimes when I brought in some information from the other side and no one in […]
Universal Energy and our Power to use it

You Have the Power; Using Universal Energy Explaining how energy works, universal energy is probably one of the most difficult things I do. And it is not that the concept of energy is difficult but the process of this glorious power that we have at our disposal is so marvelous. That putting it into mere […]
Creating a Healing Environment

Aromatherapy & Essential Oils I am so grateful to be able to share my love of essential oils. I am not by any means an expert on essential oils. I am though an active user of them and my goal for this page is to share my experience with oils with you. Please feel free […]
Learn More about Doterra Essential Oils, aromatherapy

Doterra Essential oils This page will give you the information I have collected over my time using Doterra oils and the stories of others I know. To go directly to the Doterra site click here I first came to know oils when searching for alternative treatments for a family member. Prescription meds were not an option […]